Via Christus Quote Blog

Any and all fun and silliness from the Via Christus community.

Thursday, March 23, 2006

St. Patricks Day limricks

So to start off the fun here are some of the creative limricks from the party the other night (the ones I could find afterwards!)-

Limricks flew fast and furious
Topics were more and more curious
When much to our surprise
Accompanied by moans and cries
They became something more spurious

Twisting and turning, no end in sight
Choosing and walking with all one's might
Complex and amazed
Driven half crazed
The labyrinth is both process and plight

There once was a book about nuns
Who tried to escape for some fun
They hopped on a bus
But then someone cussed
And so their excursion was done.

A girl had a lovely wool blanket
And, seaside, mistakenly sank it.
She dragged it to shore,
It was lovely no more,
And cried she, "I tremendously shrank it!"

There was a man from Galilee
whose mission for the world to be
a much better place
meant he had to face
hard trials and die on a tree.


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